Utmaningen - en film om den sjuka jobbstressen

Titre traduit en anglais

Stress @ work

Film: Durée en minutes

8 minutes

Description du produit

SYNOPSIS The Challenge – how workplace stress is making people ill Many people are affected, know someone who is affected, or are at risk. So we produced a documentary entitled The Challenge – how workplace stress is making people ill. The film offers several perspectives on mental health issues in the workplace. We meet real people – living, breathing human beings – and hear their painful stories. We can see ourselves in them, whether as employees or as bosses. Their stories are interwoven with comments from occupational health experts and authorities. The film is produced in the form of a well-made documentary and promoted as such through all the appropriate media: trailers, advertisements and billboards.

Public cible

Target audienceWe aim to reach employers, but the way to do so is by addressing the general public. In this way, we are confronting both employers and employees with the problem, creating awareness and pressure for change on organisations and their leade

Prix gagnés

Winner of the following awards in SPINN 2016, Sweden’s biggest PR competition: Silver – Public service communication of the year, Silver – B2B communication of the year

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Swedish Work Environment Authority
Lindhagensgatan 133, Sweden-11279 Stockholm

Coordonnées de la société de production

Peter Myndes Backe 8, Sweden-104 62 Stockholm